UI Institute of Earth Sciences
GPS time series

GPS time series results for the past 400 days from GIPSY/OASIS PPP single site processing using JPL final and ultra-rapid orbits, in the ITRF2008 reference frame. Red dot shows data collected yesterday, the images are updated on a daily basis, check date on bottom of figure and refresh page as necessary. Stations are ordred roughly from SW to NE.
Click on any image for a full-resolution pdf.
Data are from the ISGPS network with contributions from IMO (Icelandic Meteorological Office), PSU (The Pennsylvania State University), IES-UI (Institute of Earth Sciences - University of Iceland), NORDVULK (Nordic Volcanological Center), LMI (Icelandic National Land Survey), UA (University of Arizona), ETH (ETH - Zurich), KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), US (University of Savoie), and BEK (Bavarian Academy of Sciences).

Please respect copyright of the results.

Time series plots for the last 100 days
Time series plots for the last 400 days
Final Time series:
    Final time series
    Residual time series
    Final time series (some large events removed)
    Residual (linear signal removed) time series (some large events removed)
    Residual (linear and seasonal signals removed) time series (linear and seasonal signals removed, some large events removed as above)
    Fit of seasonal signal
Other plots:
Combined plots for specific areas: Reykjanes Peninsula , Askja, Hengill, Krafla, Tungnakvislarjokulsskrida, Oraefi, Vatnajokull
Kinematic solutions: Reykjanes Peninsula, Grimsfjall, Hekla, Katla, SISZ, Other stations
Qc plots Site voltage plots