UI Institute of Earth Sciences
GNSS time series

Results from GIPSY/OASIS PPP single-site "kinematic" processing (5-minute solutions) using JPL ultra-rapid orbits, in the IGb08 reference frame.
Stations are mostly opearted by the Icelandic Meteorological Office.
The plots below show various time scales of the same results. All plots are auto-scaled on the y-axis, so a single point can throw the whole set of plots off-scale. However, that very data point may be important sometime!
Because independent orbits are used for each UT day, artifical offsets may be observed at midnight.
Plots should update automatically around 10-15 minutes past each hour. The latency of the results (how far behind real-time) depends on time of data availability (hourly files, available 15 minutes after the last measurement in the file), orbit availability (updated 50 minutes past the hour, but may not contain data covering the last 1-2 hours), processing time (a few minutes), and set time of sync of plots to website. These delays may easily pile up to 2-4 hours.
The images are updated on a hourly basis. Click on any image to see it in higher resoltion.
GFUM can have large variations due to ice on and around the antenna.

Time series plots for the last 100 days
Time series plots for the last 400 days
Final Time series:
    Final time series
    Residual time series
    Final time series (some large events removed)
    Residual (linear signal removed) time series (some large events removed)
    Residual (linear and seasonal signals removed) time series (linear and seasonal signals removed, some large events removed as above)
    Fit of seasonal signal
Other plots:
Combined plots for specific areas
Kinematic solutions: Grimsfjall, Hekla, Katla, SISZ, Other stations
Qc plots Site voltage plots

GFUM (Grimsfjall), last 1, 3, 10 days and all data

Grimsfjall May 2011 eruption (10-day plot; 15-sec results)

VONC (Vonarskard), last 1, 3, 10 days and all data

GSIG (Gengissig), last 1, 3, 10 days and all data

Data processing and webpage managed by Halldor Geirsson.