GNSS time series for Oraefajokull

GNSS time series results for the Oraefajokull region from GIPSY/OASIS PPP single site processing. The images are updated regularly, check date on bottom of figure and refresh page as necessary. Stations are ordred roughly from counter-clockwise around Oraefajokull.
Click on any image for a higher-resolution image.

Stations are operated by IMO in collaboration with IES and others.

Page maintained by Halldor Geirsson, hgeirs **that sign**
Please respect copyright of the results.

Last 100 days
Last 400 days
Kinematic results
Final time series, ITRF2008
Final time series, detrended
Final time series, detrended and seasonal signal removed
Estimation of seasonal signal

Last 100 days

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Last 400 days

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INACTIVE: Kinematic processing, positions at 5 minute interval with latency of 2-4 hours typically. Each site has 3 plots, for the last 1, 3, and 10 days.




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Final time series from start of measurements, in the ITRF2008 reference frame

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Final time series, average linear trend removed

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Final time series, average linear trend and seasonal signal removed

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Final time series, estimation of seasonal signal

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